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Disney has also launched Project Green: Friends for Change. Although it is aimed at a young audience, you can still learn a thing or two and discover ways that you can personally contribute to making a difference. The added bonus of this site being designed for children is that everything is pretty straight forward and you aren't being constantly nagged for money.
What this site does offer are pledges to minimise your impact on the environment (e.g. "Buy 100 percent recycled paper notebooks.") and for you to voice your opinion by voting for projects that you think deserve funding (although the current round of voting has just closed recently, I believe it will begin anew soon).
It's can strike you as slightly juvenile, but it is worth a visit and it gave me a bit of inspiration do to my own bit for our planet. For example my vote helped the WWF receive $100 000 to protect leatherback turtles (a critically endangered species) in the eastern Pacific Ocean by engaging locals in conservation programs (see the website for more info).
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